We are committed to sustainability in all areas.
As a future-oriented company, we support a diverse society and a sustainable approach to people and the environment.
- Internally, we promote sustainability through fairtrade coffee from a local roaster, e-mobility pool vehicles and paperless payroll.
- We offer our customers sustainable supply chains and future-proof IT solutions.
- We live the principle of lifelong learning through education and training and create secure jobs in the long term.
- Since 2021, BREDEX officially complies with the German Sustainability Code.

What does sustainability mean for us as IT service providers?
BREDEX is aware of its responsibility towards its employees, society, future generations and the long-term business success of our customers. That is why we are committed to sustainable behaviour and live this goal throughout the entire company.
We have an internal sustainability team that was created on our own initiative and is driven by the commitment of our employees. These colleagues have set themselves the goal of constantly identifying new opportunities for sustainable action and driving forward corresponding activities. In doing so, they can count on the backing and support of the management.
Our sustainability approach focuses in particular on climate protection, employee orientation and health as well as responsible corporate governance. Every year, we report in detail to the German Sustainability Council on our measures, goals and successes in this regard.
Our Understanding of Sustainability
In the interests of sustainability, we are committed to holistic projects aimed at improving the global climate footprint and at the same time making progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030). Such a commitment is essential if there is still a chance of achieving the ambitious targets of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Social Sustainability
In the field of social sustainability, we focus on employee health, satisfaction and development. It all started with health management as part of a master’s thesis. This has led to the development of a sophisticated range of services – ranging from sports offers to job tickets and job bikes to a mental health programme. We live appreciation, diversity and tolerance for mistakes.
We also take our social responsibility into account by training and supporting our trainees and students with conviction and commitment. Continuous training opportunities for our employees are a matter of course.
It is important to us to regularly support and strengthen social institutions in our region.
Climate Protection
We have taken various measures to continue our journey towards a climate-friendly company.
Despite the higher costs, the complete switch to green electricity for the entire company was very important for us. We also pay attention to proper waste separation as well as environmentally friendly cleaning agents and paper. In addition, we have reduced the number of our promotional items and pay attention to sustainable production processes for the rest. Many of our processes have also been deliberately digitized and converted to paperless.
We encourage and support the use of bicycles and public transport, e.g. by participating in „Jobrad“ and „Jobticket“. Our fleet is gradually being converted to electric vehicles.
Our first tree planting campaign for the afforestation of a regional forest was a great and meaningful team event in terms of sustainability, the majority of our colleagues took part in it with dedication.
We had our carbon footprint determined as BREDEX.
As a company, we know that unavoidable emissions are part of our business – which is why we actively contribute to climate protection. With our regional commitment as a sponsor of the Lower Saxony State Forests, we are supporting the reforestation of our own forest in our region, which is accessible to everyone as a recreational area. Together with our colleagues, we will participate in this project ourselves by planting trees.

Responsible Corporate Governance
The goal is sustainable and healthy corporate growth. It is important that all the actors involved are taken into account: employees as well as customers and business partners. We attach great importance to communicating and working on an equal footing and are proud of our long-term partnerships.
Sustainable corporate growth also means that our growth targets are realistically defined. We pay attention to the important aspects of sustainability: How can we produce in a climate-friendly way? How can we avoid environmentally harmful routes? How can we grow and be a future-proof and responsible employer?