
Our Mission Statement

At BREDEX, the company values and the resulting mission statement were developed together with the colleagues. They show what is most important to us as an employer, as a solution provider and as a team, as well as what BREDEX stands for.

It is our values that determine our actions, shape our future, and drive us forward day after day.

Führungskräfte der BREDEX

1. We live a partnership-based collaboration

One of our guiding principles at BREDEX is “working in partnership”. That sounds nice – but what does it mean in specific terms?

Our cooperation with satisfied customers and employees is based on:

  • Communication at eye level
  • A sense of responsibility for joint success
  • flexible and uncomplicated collaboration

2. We are future-proof

We all develop consistently – personally and professionally – to help shape the digital future innovatively with fresh ideas.

We support individual development through our BX Academy:

  • Training for junior executives, further education paths to cloud and web developers or project management u. v. m.
  • regular feedback talks and annual development talks for individual development
  • Open Spaces, Project Visits, Lectures u. above all on knowledge transfer
Eine weibliche Person mit langen braunen Haaren steht neben zwei weiteren Personen und hält eine Abbildung eines Handybildschirms mit mehreren Darstellungen einer App im Rahmen eines Design Thinking Workshops. Neben ihr steht ein junge Mann.

3. Mutual appreciation is important to us

Honesty and regular feedback form the basis for our interaction with each other.

We live an agile corporate culture:

  • Even organized teams work with us according to agile principles.
  • Diversity and equality are important to us.
  • We involve customers in reviews and create space for exchange.
  • We promote this, among other things, in value and appreciation workshop

4. We live the new work principle

Each of us is a valuable part of the team and contributes with individual skills and abilities to the success of our projects.

We live the New Work principle of “Bring your whole person to work”:

  • Ideas are shared in Open Spaces, Pair Programming, Communities of Practice and Dojos.
  • The different skills of each team member contribute significantly to the development of successful software solutions.
  • Game evenings, sports groups, international get-togethers, joint dungeons & dragons adventures – we offer the space to live out interests and network.

5. We promote transparent communication

We demand and promote transparent communication at eye level:

  • Questions can be asked during chat with management and in regular team meetings.
  • Updates on corporate goals and strategies are communicated openly.
  • In retrospectives and feedback discussions ‒ also within customer projects ‒ we rely on transparent communication and fair cooperation.
BREDEX hat anlässlich des Weltfrauentags an das Frauenhaus Braunschweig gespendet
Donation to the women's refuge in Braunschweig.

6. We sustainably support our society

As a future-oriented company, we support a diverse society and a sustainable approach to people and the environment.

We are committed to sustainability in all areas:

  • Internally, we promote sustainability through Fairtrade coffee from a local roaster, e-mobility pool vehicles and paperless payroll.
  • We offer our customers future-proof IT solutions.
  • We live the principle of lifelong learning through education and training and create secure jobs in the long term.
  • Since 2021, BREDEX officially complies with the German Sustainability Code.

More information can be found here.

What does sustainability mean for us as IT service provider?

BREDEX is aware of its responsibility for society, future generations and, last but not least, the business success of our customers. Our sustainability approach focuses in particular on climate protection, employee orientation and health as well as responsible corporate management. Every year, we report in detail to the German Sustainability Council on our measures, goals and achievements.